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도은 마카롱

 안녕하세요 ! 레이디 버블과 로드 피즈입니다 .   오랜만에 쓰는 블로그 포스팅에 오늘은 보통때와 다르게 러쉬 제품에 대한 내용이 아닌 전혀 다른 제품에 대해 소개하고자 글을 씁니다 . 물론 러쉬가 아닌 화장품이나 배쓰 제품에 대한 건 아닙니다 . 오늘 저희가 쓸 블로그 포스트는 최근에 관심을 갖게 된 ‘ 마카롱 ’ 입니다 . 먼저 , 마카롱은 한국에서 한참 유행 중이며 , 한국에서 어디서든 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있는 트렌디 한 디저트 중 하나라고 생각됩니다 . 그러나 보통의 어디서든 살 수 있는 흔한 마카롱들과 다르게 저희가 소개해드리고 싶은 이 마카롱은 먹는 순간부터 팬심이 생겨버릴 만큼 맛있습니다 . 이 마카롱은 서울 마포구 , 홍대에 위치한 [ 도은 마카롱 ] 에서 만나 보실 수 있습니다 . 도은 마카롱에서는 귀엽고 맛있는 마카롱뿐만 아니라 깔끔하고 미니멀한 인테리어도 시선을 사로잡습니다 . 인스타그램에서나 볼 듯한 깔끔하고 센스 있는 디자인이 너무나 마음에 들었습니다 .   [ 도은 마카롱 ] 의 가장 특별한 점을 생각해보면 마카롱의 품질 ! 이라고 하고 싶습니다 . 각각의 마카롱은 재료 본연의 맛을 아주 깔끔하게 잘 표현했고 매우 신선함을 맛볼 수 있었습니다 . 마카롱을 만들 때 얼마나 정성을 들였는지 느낄 수 있을 정도로요 . 마카롱의 겉 부분은 바삭 하면서도 쫀득함이 좋았고 , 마카롱 가운데에 있는 크림은 각각의 맛을 너무나 잘 표현했고 색도 다양해서 눈과 입의 즐거움을 더해주었습니다 . 무화과 맛 얼그레이 맛 유자맛 여러가지 맛들이 있었지만 , 러쉬 제품들을 생각하며 6 가지 맛을 선택했습니다 . 레몬 , 유자 , 무화과 , 오렌지 , 얼그레이 그리고 리츠 크래커 맛을 골랐는데요 , 선택에 후회가 없을 정도로 매우 만족스러웠습니다 . 마카롱 각자 비슷한 점 없이 특별했습니다 . 레몬과 유자는 새콤하고 신선함이 진짜 레몬 , 유자를 먹는 듯한 맛이 났고 , 무화과와 리츠 크래커 맛 또한 진짜 과일과 리츠

Goddess Bath Bomb

We all need a little comfort and praise in our lives.  Sometimes the stress from work, study or our families can just be too much.  Lush has heard our needs and released this perfect member of the pantheon of bath bomb divinity, Goddess. It is delightfully scented, intriguingly designed and made of the most indulgent and luxurious ingredients. 

This bath bomb was first revealed to the Lush community through its inventor Jack Constantine's Instagram.   It was inspired by (and originally named after) Ariana Grande's song titled God Is A Woman.  Regrettably, the name was changed after a rumored issue arose once Lush established their intentions to sell the bath bomb. So, as a more acceptable compromise, the name was changed to Goddess.  Which is still reminiscent of the original name. The new name is just enough for all of the Lush fans to still now what it is they are buying.  This is the same unfortunate snafu that arose with Dark Arts jelly bomb before its name was changed to Secret Arts.

Lush's Goddess bath bomb
The bath bomb is colored with purple, grey and white. As well as a veritable ton of glitter. The color of the bath bomb is really a spot on interpretation of the floating scene in the music video for God Is A Woman. As a further nod to the feminine divine, there is gently sloping a cup on the top side of the bath bomb.  The cup, being one of the oldest recognized symbols of femininity, is an excellent addition to the thematic design of this product, though it is a scoop of product that we are deprived of when buying Goddess.  Exactly opposite of the cup is a flat edge that allows the bath bomb to sit without any risk of rolling or falling over.  When considering the appearance of the layers of color, the elegantly slopped cup and the harshly angled backside, the design of this bath bomb is an artistic work of line, color and form. 

The scent of Goddess is mature, enticing and decadent. Composed of jasmine, osmanthus, rose, sandalwood and oudh, the smell of this bath bomb is one of the most enticing and sensual scents Lush has made in years. It presents with an intriguing spice and woody aromas: sandalwood and especially oudh. Those scents are smoothed out by a silken sheet of heady jasmine, rose, and sweet osmanthus that wraps you up like midnight summer's breeze. These floral smells: jasmine, rose, sandalwood and osmanthus are all great but the real powerhouse of Goddess's scent is undoubtedly the oudh oil.  If you are curious about oudh, check out how it is made on the Lush website.  Basically, it is a very controversial and expensive ingredient that Lush has finally been able to incorporate into their products by locating an environmentally friendly company that uses ethical farming practices to obtain their oudh.

Goddess's bath art
When you put this bath bomb into your bath, be prepared for an experience.  Pale grey and purple will streak across your water, leaving swirls of sparkly colors that are spot on with the scenes created in the God Is A Woman music video.  The water will end up a grayish purple and will smell fantastic.  The perfume elements in the bath bomb translate perfectly into the water and really elevate your bath a level of maturity deserving by any Goddess. Plus, the little cup on the top will remain dry in the water for a good 5 minutes.  However, once the water gets inside the cup, the show Goddess puts on levels up into a double-time bath art production. Despite how wonderful the output of foam may be, it disappointingly has a color pallet of mostly grey.  

Lady Bubble and Lord Fizz have seen a lot of new bath bombs in late 2018 and early 2019 but this one is one that stands out with a mature and unique scent and color pallet. Try this bath bomb soon and see what all the Lush fans have been raving about.

 Lady Bubble
Lord Fizz


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