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도은 마카롱

 안녕하세요 ! 레이디 버블과 로드 피즈입니다 .   오랜만에 쓰는 블로그 포스팅에 오늘은 보통때와 다르게 러쉬 제품에 대한 내용이 아닌 전혀 다른 제품에 대해 소개하고자 글을 씁니다 . 물론 러쉬가 아닌 화장품이나 배쓰 제품에 대한 건 아닙니다 . 오늘 저희가 쓸 블로그 포스트는 최근에 관심을 갖게 된 ‘ 마카롱 ’ 입니다 . 먼저 , 마카롱은 한국에서 한참 유행 중이며 , 한국에서 어디서든 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있는 트렌디 한 디저트 중 하나라고 생각됩니다 . 그러나 보통의 어디서든 살 수 있는 흔한 마카롱들과 다르게 저희가 소개해드리고 싶은 이 마카롱은 먹는 순간부터 팬심이 생겨버릴 만큼 맛있습니다 . 이 마카롱은 서울 마포구 , 홍대에 위치한 [ 도은 마카롱 ] 에서 만나 보실 수 있습니다 . 도은 마카롱에서는 귀엽고 맛있는 마카롱뿐만 아니라 깔끔하고 미니멀한 인테리어도 시선을 사로잡습니다 . 인스타그램에서나 볼 듯한 깔끔하고 센스 있는 디자인이 너무나 마음에 들었습니다 .   [ 도은 마카롱 ] 의 가장 특별한 점을 생각해보면 마카롱의 품질 ! 이라고 하고 싶습니다 . 각각의 마카롱은 재료 본연의 맛을 아주 깔끔하게 잘 표현했고 매우 신선함을 맛볼 수 있었습니다 . 마카롱을 만들 때 얼마나 정성을 들였는지 느낄 수 있을 정도로요 . 마카롱의 겉 부분은 바삭 하면서도 쫀득함이 좋았고 , 마카롱 가운데에 있는 크림은 각각의 맛을 너무나 잘 표현했고 색도 다양해서 눈과 입의 즐거움을 더해주었습니다 . 무화과 맛 얼그레이 맛 유자맛 여러가지 맛들이 있었지만 , 러쉬 제품들을 생각하며 6 가지 맛을 선택했습니다 . 레몬 , 유자 , 무화과 , 오렌지 , 얼그레이 그리고 리츠 크래커 맛을 골랐는데요 , 선택에 후회가 없을 정도로 매우 만족스러웠습니다 . 마카롱 각자 비슷한 점 없이 특별했습니다 . 레몬과 유자는 새콤하고 신선함이 진짜 레몬 , 유자를 먹는 듯한 맛이 났고 , 무화과와 리츠 크래커 맛 또한 진짜 과일과 리츠


This is a shower gel made as part of the Lush Kitchen community shower gels released in June of 2018.  For a long time, anyone reading the comments on Lush Kitchen Instagram posts could see things requested in popular scents over and over again.  Mark Consantine asked the community to tell him what they wanted and he agreed to choose five scents to make into shower gels. As we all hoped, the often requested scents were made into special shower gels by the Lush Kitchen.  Some of them were remakes of old well-loved shower gels and some of them were brand new shower gel renditions of beloved scents.

This particular shower gel was made with the popular smell of Sultana.  Sultana of Soap, Sultana of Skin, Bewitched bubble bar and Blackberry bath bomb are all products with the stunning Sultana fragrance.  Part of what makes it so wonderful is that this smell is really difficult to explain. It has some smell ingredients in it that are very special and unique. So, we will describe the smell in two ways.  We will talk about the smell from Lady Bubbles perspective and then we will talk about the smell with Lord Fizz's experience in a hope that we can shade the outline of this scent for everyone to understand.

Lady Bubble says the smell of Sultana is like:  a sweet smell, similar to an unripe fruit.  Following that first note, there is the headiness of blossoming flowers. It is a very strong smell that lady bubble suspects would become overpowering and heady if it was smelled too much.  Considering its strength, Lady Bubble says that it is not her favorite smell.  It is too strong and could easily become an unenjoyable smell.

Lord Fizz and Lady Bubble smell similarities but Lord Fizz smells something extra.  Lord Fizz smells the same smell of stone fruit, woody and fruity followed by an additional warm incense smell and a sharpness of alcohol. If you are familiar with the smell of Frankincense, Sultana carries it in its fruity and woody notes. Even though Lord Fizz loves this smell, after smelling it together with Lady Bubble he too had a headache.

However strong the smell of Sultana may be, once you use it the water it lightens up and becomes much more enjoyable.  It is much less intense and the fruity smells seem to open up to be more refreshing.  All of the heady and intoxicating smells wash away leaving only a fresh fruit smell that is simply divine.  It becomes fruity, uplifting and very enjoyable.

As shower gels go, Sultana is a very watery shower gel.  Compared to the other community shower gels this is the most watery. When using it in the shower it makes a lot of bubbles and it will leave you a little dry and wanting for some lotion.  It does, though, leaves a wonderful smell on your skin after you leave the shower that, you can smell on yourself for a long time.

Finally, it should be noted that these community day shower gels are of a high quality and as a result, a lot of the essential oils are used in the recipes.  In the bottle, all of this likes to separate.  If you don't touch the bottle for just a couple of hours, you will see that it formed different layers of oil and soap ingredients.  Though, just a small shake though and it will be back in good condition.

 Lady Bubble
Lord Fizz

한국어로 된 포스트를 찾으시나요그렇다면 여기를 클릭해 주세요!)


  1. it contains oil but makes your skin dry..?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Right, isn't that odd? What happens is, the soap ingredients in the shower gel counteract the oiliness of the essential oils. Usually, those essential oils are more for scent, skin toning or used as enriching vitamins than they are for softening your skin.
      -Lord Fizz


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