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도은 마카롱

 안녕하세요 ! 레이디 버블과 로드 피즈입니다 .   오랜만에 쓰는 블로그 포스팅에 오늘은 보통때와 다르게 러쉬 제품에 대한 내용이 아닌 전혀 다른 제품에 대해 소개하고자 글을 씁니다 . 물론 러쉬가 아닌 화장품이나 배쓰 제품에 대한 건 아닙니다 . 오늘 저희가 쓸 블로그 포스트는 최근에 관심을 갖게 된 ‘ 마카롱 ’ 입니다 . 먼저 , 마카롱은 한국에서 한참 유행 중이며 , 한국에서 어디서든 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있는 트렌디 한 디저트 중 하나라고 생각됩니다 . 그러나 보통의 어디서든 살 수 있는 흔한 마카롱들과 다르게 저희가 소개해드리고 싶은 이 마카롱은 먹는 순간부터 팬심이 생겨버릴 만큼 맛있습니다 . 이 마카롱은 서울 마포구 , 홍대에 위치한 [ 도은 마카롱 ] 에서 만나 보실 수 있습니다 . 도은 마카롱에서는 귀엽고 맛있는 마카롱뿐만 아니라 깔끔하고 미니멀한 인테리어도 시선을 사로잡습니다 . 인스타그램에서나 볼 듯한 깔끔하고 센스 있는 디자인이 너무나 마음에 들었습니다 .   [ 도은 마카롱 ] 의 가장 특별한 점을 생각해보면 마카롱의 품질 ! 이라고 하고 싶습니다 . 각각의 마카롱은 재료 본연의 맛을 아주 깔끔하게 잘 표현했고 매우 신선함을 맛볼 수 있었습니다 . 마카롱을 만들 때 얼마나 정성을 들였는지 느낄 수 있을 정도로요 . 마카롱의 겉 부분은 바삭 하면서도 쫀득함이 좋았고 , 마카롱 가운데에 있는 크림은 각각의 맛을 너무나 잘 표현했고 색도 다양해서 눈과 입의 즐거움을 더해주었습니다 . 무화과 맛 얼그레이 맛 유자맛 여러가지 맛들이 있었지만 , 러쉬 제품들을 생각하며 6 가지 맛을 선택했습니다 . 레몬 , 유자 , 무화과 , 오렌지 , 얼그레이 그리고 리츠 크래커 맛을 골랐는데요 , 선택에 후회가 없을 정도로 매우 만족스러웠습니다 . 마카롱 각자 비슷한 점 없이 특별했습니다 . 레몬과 유자는 새콤하고 신선함이 진짜 레몬 , 유자를 먹는 듯한 맛이 났고 , 무화과와 리츠 크래커 맛 또한 진짜 과일과 리츠

Turtle Jelly Bomb

Turtle jelly bomb
Our planet has a problem.  We have a global culture of a comfortable disposable lifestyle.  The majority of people would rather have a snack that is quick and cheap and packaged in 3 layers of non-biodegradable plastic than they would make some food for themselves or bring their own container from their home.  It is true, comfort is good, plastic is easy but oh, is bad for our environment.  It is estimated that before the year 2050, there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.  However, that plastic gets in the ocean may be a hazy process but we can all prevent it from being made and used if we remove plastic from our lives. The Turtle Jelly bomb is made with the intent of bringing awareness to the world of how detrimental the overflow of waste from our cities, into our waterways and oceans, truly is.

Scented with earth and herbal ingredients this bath bomb is calming and uplifting.  Having a very similar scent as the retro Geo-Phyzz bath bomb, this is bath bomb that can relax even the most worried environmental-activists.  Made with Cypress Oil, Sandalwood Oil, Pine Needle Absolute and Seaweed Absolute, the smell of this jelly bomb is both earthy and fresh.  The earthy Pine Needle Oil oil works well with the almost more fresh Cypress oil to make an enjoyable smell that is not too "woody" and difficult to really categorize.   It is not overly 'Pine scented floor cleaner' nor is too herbal.   The balance of those two oils with the gentle fragrance of Sandalwood creates a smell that is something you really must experience for yourself.  However, if you enjoy any herbal or earthy smells, you can almost assuredly assume that this smell will be on your good list.

Turtle jelly bomb spewing its guts.
This jelly bomb has been made in two styles, for two different occasions. First, the Lush Summit in 2018 had a Mama and a Baby Turtle jelly bomb and later Lush released the Turtle jelly bomb and Turtle Immersion jelly bomb for sale to the general public. The first rendition of our shelled friend and the second release have the same ingredients, only their name is different. Both Turtle Immersion and Mama Turtle are larger sizes and the later are around 200 g each.

This jelly bomb is made with a fair quantity of sea salt to provide cleansing and hydrating mineral-rich bath water. It is also a jelly bomb which means it is made with sodium alginate which creates the jelly effect on the surface of your bath water.  This has been known to cause some Lushies problems during cleanup and even use.  Check out our ___ blog for some more information about Sodium Alginate in your bath. Turtle jelly bomb also has a core of compressed Agar Agar strands.  These slow-dissolving strands of jelly-like carbohydrates are meant to simulate the ocean surface, as the float to the top like pieces of discarded plastic.

Like most jelly bombs Turtle will create a thick layer of jelly on your bathtub.  The majority of its display will end up as green leaving only a few isolated spots of blue on the surface of the water.   Most Jelly bombs seem to be more resilient to the tests of time than sodium bicarbonate and it would be a fair guess to expect these jelly turtles to keep well in your lush archives.

A beautiful swath of green jelly.
Any uninitiated jelly bomb user should be aware of what was mentioned earlier and bears mentioning again.  Jelly bombs can be messy!  Not everyone will suffer the slings of slime residue but it could happen to you!  Make sure your bathtub is well cleaned before you use this or any lush product, and make sure that there is no calcium build-up aka soap scum on your bath walls for the color or jelly to stain.  Jelly Bombs have such a messy reputation that, on three separate occasions, Lady Bubble and Lord Fizz have been warned by SAs "Be careful, it stains!"

Also, the shape of this jelly bomb does not stay whole well.  Of the 4 Turtle Jelly bombs that Lady Bubble and Lord Fizz bought, 3 of them broke in some way. Usually, the head or front legs broke off.

If you are worried about saving the world's oceans, reduce your plastic usage, save water and tell your friends to do the same!  Turtles like this jelly bomb are becoming more and more endangered every day with our reckless and wasteful lifestyles.  If doing some simple things like that seem to much for you, try this jelly bomb and as you watch it spew beautiful green foam and disappears into your bath-water, imagine seeing this fate for all of the amazing sea turtles of our world.


 Lady Bubble
Lord Fizz




  (한국어로 된 포스트를 찾으시나요? 그렇다면 여기를 클릭해 주세요!)


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