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도은 마카롱

 안녕하세요 ! 레이디 버블과 로드 피즈입니다 .   오랜만에 쓰는 블로그 포스팅에 오늘은 보통때와 다르게 러쉬 제품에 대한 내용이 아닌 전혀 다른 제품에 대해 소개하고자 글을 씁니다 . 물론 러쉬가 아닌 화장품이나 배쓰 제품에 대한 건 아닙니다 . 오늘 저희가 쓸 블로그 포스트는 최근에 관심을 갖게 된 ‘ 마카롱 ’ 입니다 . 먼저 , 마카롱은 한국에서 한참 유행 중이며 , 한국에서 어디서든 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있는 트렌디 한 디저트 중 하나라고 생각됩니다 . 그러나 보통의 어디서든 살 수 있는 흔한 마카롱들과 다르게 저희가 소개해드리고 싶은 이 마카롱은 먹는 순간부터 팬심이 생겨버릴 만큼 맛있습니다 . 이 마카롱은 서울 마포구 , 홍대에 위치한 [ 도은 마카롱 ] 에서 만나 보실 수 있습니다 . 도은 마카롱에서는 귀엽고 맛있는 마카롱뿐만 아니라 깔끔하고 미니멀한 인테리어도 시선을 사로잡습니다 . 인스타그램에서나 볼 듯한 깔끔하고 센스 있는 디자인이 너무나 마음에 들었습니다 .   [ 도은 마카롱 ] 의 가장 특별한 점을 생각해보면 마카롱의 품질 ! 이라고 하고 싶습니다 . 각각의 마카롱은 재료 본연의 맛을 아주 깔끔하게 잘 표현했고 매우 신선함을 맛볼 수 있었습니다 . 마카롱을 만들 때 얼마나 정성을 들였는지 느낄 수 있을 정도로요 . 마카롱의 겉 부분은 바삭 하면서도 쫀득함이 좋았고 , 마카롱 가운데에 있는 크림은 각각의 맛을 너무나 잘 표현했고 색도 다양해서 눈과 입의 즐거움을 더해주었습니다 . 무화과 맛 얼그레이 맛 유자맛 여러가지 맛들이 있었지만 , 러쉬 제품들을 생각하며 6 가지 맛을 선택했습니다 . 레몬 , 유자 , 무화과 , 오렌지 , 얼그레이 그리고 리츠 크래커 맛을 골랐는데요 , 선택에 후회가 없을 정도로 매우 만족스러웠습니다 . 마카롱 각자 비슷한 점 없이 특별했습니다 . 레몬과 유자는 새콤하고 신선함이 진짜 레몬 , 유자를 먹는 듯한 맛이 났고 , 무화과와 리츠 크래커 맛 또한 진짜 과일과 리츠


                                   (한국어로 된 포스트를 찾으시나요? 그렇다면 여기를 클릭해 주세요!)
The world of moisturization and supple, well fed, skin is something that is new to both Lord Fizz and Lady Bubble.  (Though admittedly not entirely new to Lady Bubble.)  Lush has helped us learn to keep our skin healthy and happy from our face to our toes and one thing that we had both overlooked is just how drying soap can be!  If you have bubbles, you have soap and as a result, you're drying that skin GIRL!

After a great bath it will become quickly apparent that your skin is on the dry side and you might need some lotion or some other post-bath treatment.  Well, not if you use a bath oil!!   These products are probably not new to most Lushies but in the bright and new eyes of our royal bathers, these products are innovative and exciting! You just pop on of these, often cute and colorful, friends in your water and they will dissolve into colorful, skin coating clouds of cocoa butter and almond oil.  Some of the Lush recipes have a more oily finish and some end up perfectly coating you in a dreamy lotion.  We will do our best to review and inform you of the variances of Lush bath oils and let you know just how lovely they are (or aren't.)

From the 2017 holiday range we have Tree-D bath oil to leave your skin soft and well quenched.  It is shaped like a decorated Christmas tree.  It is a lime green color with small dots of red on the points of the tree that look like cute tree-lights.  It is also a 'slotted oil' (for lack of a better term) that can be used twice as it comes in two pieces that fit together like the teeth of a gear.  For the price, this oil has a wonderful life of usage, it can easily be stretched into 2, if not more baths.

This bath oil will melt into lovely green clouds that float on top of your water.  It almost looks like a lava lamp as the bubbles ooze out of the shape of the oil and wiggle around on top of the water.  The color of this oil did not stain Lady Bubble or Lord Fizz or their bath tubs but it did make us worried!

Lush loves citrus right now.  Almost everything they are releasing is citrus this and citrus that.  It can get annoying fast but this coniferous butterball is not another addition in the "Citrus Again" family. The addition of almond oil and what we are guessing is cypress oil (among others,) listed as Perfume, in the ingredients list, take the run-of-the-mill grapefruit and tangerine oil up to a lovely new level! It has a sweet citrus and cream smell.   It is really special and reminds Lord Fizz of the old American classic Fruit Stripe gum.

We used half of ours, with two people and found that it worked so well.  It is a dense oil and it did not dissolve too quickly .  We both felt moisturized but not greasy as we dried off after our bath. The addition of Litsea Cubea oil really helps to feed your skin without over-oiling you and getting you too greasy.  We did not need any additional lotions or skin moisturizers and we carried its lovely citrus scent with us into the bed.

This is a great product for a skin benefiting and relaxing bath.  Considering the size and the price it is definitely and good buy.  It does work well and does not leave the bather too greasy.  It has such an enjoyable smell and the design is cute.  This is a product that it is hard to rate as anything but good!

Rating     Lady Bubble   Lord Fizz

Smell:                 4/5     4/5              
Effectiveness:    5/5     4/5
Appeal:              4/5     4/5


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